19 March, 2006

New In The News Mags: George Will Says Tweeks In Dem's Primary Calendar Will Help Hillary

Once again, not much happening on the local political scene.

Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Democrat who took state Senator Nick Spano to the wall in 2004, was to announce today that she would try to finish the job this year. Stewart-Cousins, a member of the Westchester County legislature, lost to the high-profile Spano by 18 votes last time, after three months of ballot challenges.

Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi was, to this observer's eyes, the first gubenatorial candidate to hit the airwaves with advertising in the NYC television market. I noticed a spot running this evening on NBC. He needs to get his name out there if he wants to make any kind of challenge to popular state attorney general Eliot Spitzer in a Democratic primary.

Looking ahead to tomorrow's weekly newsmags, U.S. News and World Report, in its Washington Whispers column, quotes a "key Republican senator" offering some evidence that Rudy Giuliani is indeed planning to run for president in 2008.

And, in Newsweek, George Will says in their efforts to come up with a primary schedule that will produce the best national candidate, the Democrats are tweeking their 2008 docket in a way that just may make it easier for the well-heeled (Hillary Clinton) to take the nomination.


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