23 March, 2006

Giuliani, McCain In Dead Heat In Latest GOP Presidential Poll

A new poll out today shows former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain in a dead heat among GOP voters in a nationwide presidential preference survey Giuiliani has a 42%-40% lead in this Diageo/Hotline poll. The interesting tidbit is that pro-Bush and anti-Bush respondents clearly differ on who they back for 2008. Giuliani scores highest among Bush supporters (45% to 38%), while McCain is favored by those who don't think highly of Bush (51% to 34%).

President Bush's approval rating among the Republicans questioned in this poll is at 80%, while Vice President Cheney's is at 76%

When asked where they usually get their news, 39% said FOX News, while just 9% said they get their news from national newspapers such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The top three people Republicans turn to for news and commentary - Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, in that order. Sixty-two percent said the never read political blogs, while only 17% said the read blogs more than once a week. For a condensed summary click here, for every detail of every question asked click here.


At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote: "President Bush's approval rating among the Republicans questioned in this poll is at 80%, while Vice President Cheney's is at 76%"

Why is anyone wasting time interviewing the stupidest people in the country? I don't think Cheney could get a 76% approval rating in his own house.

Seriously, polls like this are dangerous in that they lend credibility to the idea that these people polled matter in the scheme of things. Bush and Cheney's approval ratings could not have fallen as low as they have (the mid-30s and high teens, respectively) without considerable erosion of support from the Republican base. That this poll cites such high support for them show that only the most sycophantic elements of the GOP were interviewed.

That they cited the three people they did as news sources shows the level of brainwashing they've endured.

The poll is irrelevent.


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