26 September, 2006

Faso Calls On Hevesi To Step Down


Republican gubenatorial candidate John Faso called on New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi to resign tonight.

The call came during the debate between Faso and his Democratic opponent Eliot Spitzer, both of whom were asked about the scandal involving Hevesi's hiring of a state employee, on the state's dime, as his wife's driver.

As NY1 reports, Spitzer said Hevesi is an "honest, stupendous public servant" who did the right thing by coming clean and repaying the state. Faso was a bit incredulous by that characterization and flatly called for Hevesi to resign.

The debate was somewhat unspectacular overall, with Faso accusing Spitzer of being a tax-raiser and Spitzer saying Faso is "extreme," as in a far-right winger. Read a wrap-up from the Associated Press here.


I have to say, from a personal standpoint, I found being a bit of an "insider" intriguing. Watching the candidates' campaign teams put their own "spin" on the other guy's "spin."

I got four e-mails from the New York State Democratic Committee, three of which explained for my why what Faso was saying at any given moment was a fabrication and a final one letting me know - in case I couldn't make up my mind - that "Spitzer Cleans Faso's Clock."

I haven't had a chance to vet all the vetting, I just bring it up as a personal note of interest.

The releases came from the party's "rapid response" team, set up specifically to counter Faso point-by-point.

This technique has been in use by both parties for some time now. It's just the first time I personally have been a recipient of this partisan "fact checking."


Last week we ran John Faso's "Lights Out" ad which shows a silhouetted Eliot Spitzer "turning out the light" on upstate New York.

Today, we have the response. Eliot Spitzer's new ad reviews his "Day One" to-do list, and raising taxes clearly is not on that list - according to the new ad.


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