08 July, 2006

Clinton's Stance On Same-Sex Marriage Draws Fire From Gay Rights Groups

Sen. Hillary Clinton's somewhat cautious (no surprise there) statements on the recent ruling by New York's top court on same-sex marriage are drawing fire from gay rights groups, the New York Times reports today.

Both Clinton, and Sen. Charles Schumer made somewhat tepid comments 24 hours after the ruling by the New York State Court of Appeals that the issue should be decided by the state legislature.

Here are the senators' responses as quoted by Liz Benjamin of Capitol Confidential:

Clinton (via spokeswoman Jennifer Hanley):

"Senator Clinton supports full equality for people in committed relationships, including health insurance, life insurance and pensions, and hospital visitation - and believes we have to keep working to reach those goals."

Schumer (via spokesman Eric Schultz):

"Senator Schumer supports civil unions and the ruling yesterday correctly places the ball in the court of the state Legislature and the governor to sort out the best policy for the people of New York."

The Empire State Pride Agenda has begun an organized response to the ruling, including a campaign to urge the state legislature to start writing legislation that would permit same-sex marriage in New York.

In all the hub-bub of the past two days, the most poingnant comments I've come across were made by a 17-year-old daughter of a same-sex couple, quoted by The Politicker on Friday. Here's one of the comments exceprted from the interview posted by the Politcker.

"This decision is really showing the children of same-sex couples that they're second-class citizens, and we shouldn't be telling children that. It's the children of same-sex couples who want their parents to be married, who want their parents to have the same protections [as heterosexual parents.]"


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