Hall Campaign Claims Lead In 19th District Dems Poll
The poll was commissioned by the Hall campaign, completed in mid-May and released today by Hall's campaign. Those caveats aside, here are the results:
Which candidate do you lean toward in the 19th District Democratic race?
John Hall 26%
Darren Rigger 7%
Judy Aydelott 7%
James Martorano, Ben Shuldiner and Gary Suraci each had two percent.
That leaves some 54% who have not decided or had no opinion. But the poll was taken before the various county conventions held in late May and early June. The district covers all or part of five counties, so there were five county party emdorsements up for grabs.
Hall won three of the endorsements, in Rockland with 95% of the votes, in Dutchess with 81% support and in Orange County with 59% of the vote. Darren Rigger won in Putnam County and Jim Martorano in Westchester.
Eliot Spitzer, the prohibitive favorite in the Democratic race for governor, edorsed Brian Keeler in his bid to become the state senator from the 41st District -part of Dutchess and all of Columbia County. Keeler is a fellow inhabitant of the blogosphere, as a contributor to the liberal blog the Daily Kos. And, another liberal blog, the Huffington Post, has taken notice of Keeler's bid, pointing out that Keeler is trying to break a 96-year GOP winning streak. A fellow going by the initials FDR was the last Democrat to hold a New York State Senate seat from Dutchess County.
We've been a bit tied up for the past couple of weeks and haven't been able to post, as we explained would be the case in an earlier posting. Still, our daily "hit" rate has been running at about 65% of the norm. We thank you for continuing to check in. We should be up against it for about one more week and should be able to resume daily posting by next weekend. Thanks again for sticking with us.